:॥ धत्तूरबीजं विजया गुञ्जा भल्लातकाह्वयः ||
विषतिन्दुकबीजं च त्वहिफेनञ्च रेचकम् ।
अर्कक्षीरं स्नुहीक्षीरं लांगली करवीरकम् ।
समाख्यातो गणोऽयं तु बुधैरुपविषा भिधः । ॥
(1)Rasa Ratna Tarantini, chapter 24, sloka 163-164
The purification method used for Vijaya for medical purposes is Swedana. The leaves of Vijaya are tied in a cloth and boiled in Milk for 3 hours and later sun-dried before being incorporated into formulations. If the leaves of Vijaya are used without purification or with a faulty purification method, it becomes a chronic deliriant poison and leads to intoxication, where a medical emergency is needed. Authentic Ayurvedic texts also describe the fatal signs of poisoning with Hemp.
विजयायां तु तैमिर्यं मनोविभ्रम एव च ।
अपस्मृतिः प्रलापश्च वान्तिः कण्ठे विशुष्कता ।।
(2)Anupama Manjari, Upavisha Ganam.
RajaNighantu, another classical text mentions Vijaya as a superlative alleviator for Vata predominance. Owing to its hot potency (Ushna Virya) and Astringent metabolic end effect (Katu Vipaka), it helps to optimize the aggravated levels of Kapha entity. Hemp can be widely used to improve digestion, enhance metabolism, reduce pains and swelling, and regulate immunity.
भंगा तिक्ता लघुस्तीक्ष्णा ग्राहिणी कफहारिणी ।
दीपना पाचिनी चैव पित्तला मदकारिणी ।।
भंगा क्षुद्दीपनी चैव ध्वजभंगहरा परम् ।
स्वप्नमेहहरा चैव शुक्रस्तम्भनकारिणी ।।
निद्राप्रदायिनी कामं कामोद्दीपनकारिणी ।
प्रलापनाशिका चैव धनुःस्तम्भहरा तथा ।
आन्त्रशूलहरा चैव वृक्कशूलप्रणाशिनी ।
पित्तशोषजशूलघ्नी त्वामाशयबलप्रदा ।।
अजीर्णजातिसारघ्नी तथाजीर्णनिवारिणी ।।
(3)Rasa Ratna Tarantini, chapter 24, sloka 399-403
Apart from this Sharangadhara samhitha, an authentic classical book belonging to the category of Laghu Tri mentions Bhang in the context while explaining the properties of drugs. The author Acharya Sarangadhara has explained in depth the ability of the herb to spread through the body at great speed to initiate an action. This coined the term Vyavayi in Sanskrit.
पूर्वं व्याप्याखिलं कायं ततः पाकं च गच्छाति ।
व्यवायि तद्यथा भङ्गफेन चाहिसमुद्भवम् ।।
(4)Sarangadhara Samhitha, Purva Khanda, chapter 5, sloka 18-20
Apart from these, the references of Vijaya are available in Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana, Visha Chikitsa Adyaya in the context of Banga Visha, and Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra in the context of Stavara Visha Gana.